Kyle Kloster Wrangling data, algorithms, and code in the SF Bay

The 64 League 2018 Rankings

Here is the data I collected to aid in developing The 64 League’s 2018 Rankings.

Here is the list of tournaments in the dataset. This file lists all the players who participated in 2 or more of the considered tournaments.

And this file lists all wins and losses for each qualifying player. Note that this will list wins and losses to players who didn’t qualify for the rankings. This is because wins against good players who didn’t qualify are still notable and could affect a qualifying player’s ranking.

Notes on using the dataset:

  • match records are always listed as “wins,losses”.
  • player’s records are sorted alphabetically
  • player’s opponents are sorted alphabetically
  • player tags appear in a bunch of places. To make it easier to search for a specific player’s record, each player’s record begins with PLAYER---[playertag]
  • I tried to account for players using multiple different tags, but I might have missed some.