Kyle Kloster Wrangling data, algorithms, and code in the SF Bay


Peer-reviewed Publications


Structural Rounding: Approximation Algorithms for Graphs Near an Algorithmically Tractable Class. Joint with Erik Demaine, Timothy Goodrich, Brian Lavallee, Quanquan Liu, Blair D. Sullivan, Ali Vakilian, and Andrew van der Poel. European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) 2019.

Mining Maximal Induced Bicliques using Odd Cycle Transversals. Joint work with Blair D. Sullivan and Andrew van der Poel SIAM Data Mining (SDM) 2019


Subgraph centrality and walk-regularity. Joint work with Eric Horton and Blair D. Sullivan Linear Algebra and its Applications (LAA) 2018

Walk regularity and walk-entropy. Joint work with Dan Kra’l and Blair D. Sullivan Linear Algebra and its Applications (LAA) 2018


A practical fpt algorithm for Flow Decomposition and transcript assembly. Joint work with P. Kuinke, M.P. O’Brien, F. Reidl, F. Sanchez Villaamil, B.D. Sullivan, and A. van der Poel, accepted to ALENEX 2017.

Localization in Seeded PageRank. Joint work with Huda Nassar and David F. Gleich, Internet Mathematics 2017.

AptRank: An Adaptive PageRank Model for Protein Function Prediction. Joint with Biaobin Jiang, David F. Gleich, and Michael Gribskov, Bioinformatics 2017.

  • Code available here.


Seeded PageRank Solution Paths. Joint work with David F. Gleich, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, special issue on Mesoscale Network Structure 2016.

Scaling graph clustering algorithms. Joint work with Merrielle Spain and Stephen Kelley, KDD Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, KDD MLG proceedings 2016.


Strong Localization in Personalized PageRank. Joint work with Huda Nassar and David F. Gleich, WAW2015 proceedings 2015.


Sublinear Column-wise Actions of the Matrix Exponential on Social Networks. Joint work with David F. Gleich, Internet Mathematics 2014.

Heat kernel based community detection. Joint work with David F. Gleich, SIGKDD 2014 proceedings 2014.


A Nearly-Sublinear Method for Approximating a Column of the Matrix Exponential for Matrices from Large, Sparse Networks. Joint work with David F. Gleich, WAW2013 proceedings 2013.

Technical reports and works in progress

Scalable and Robust Local Community Detection via Adaptive Subgraph Extraction and Diffusions. Joint with Yixuan Li.

Condition Number of Krylov Matrices and Subspaces via Kronecker Product Structure. Joint with David Imberti.

Factoring a semiprime n be estimating phi(n). My Honors Senior thesis at Fordham University, supervised by Prof. Gregory V. Bard, completed May 2010.